

26 folders and 9 files found

ball  - - - - - - - (LH-compressed brres files - ball models)
bgfade - - - - - (unknown file involved with the fade when transitioning between certain screens)
chr   - - - - - - - (LH-compressed brres files - characters)
com - - - - - - - (files used for the operation of computers - CPU opponent - unknown compression)
eff  - - - - - - - - (.breff and .breft effects stored in lh-compressed arc files)
event - - - - - - (various brres files along with an unknown ev_cam.bin)
flm - - - - - - - - (flm used for stages speciality such as x10 bonus for st10 - unknown compression
gimmick - - - - (LH-compressed brres containing mud and water jet used in st03 and st07)
gmkparam  - - (stage controller - unknown compression)
goal  - - - - - - - (LH-compressed brres files - goal models)
HomeButton2 (the menu that shows up when pressing the home button, like all wii games)
lyt - - - - - - - - - (2D layout UI Pictures - brlyt, brlan and tpl files used)
menu  - - - - - - (text, fonts, "how to play" pictures, and 3D text models)
Module - - - - - (code + debug symbols)
movie - - - - - - (thp videos - some unused)
party - - - - - - - (weirdly formatted files, used in party minigames)
savebanner - - (banner.bin for the save file)
script - - - - - - - (unknown format with file magic SBDF - also seen in ev_cam.bin)
snd  - - - - - - - - (sounds - brsar, brstm and mus)
stage - - - - - - - (LH-compressed brres files - maps)
strap  - - - - - - - (images for the wii remote safety screen)
system - - - - - - (unknown file with file magic CQK)
tips - - - - - - - - - (LH-compressed brres files - TEX0 images for tips)
tmt - - - - - - - - - (various random models and textures)
unlock  - - - - - - (LH-compressed brres files - used when unlocking something)
vib  - - - - - - - - - (vibrations settings - unknown .vib format)

files (White are common to every Wii game)

partition.bin (has tmd.bin, cert.bin, h3.bin, and ticket.bin)

"?" pannels, cup picture transitions, items and ball transformation models (it's a link yea)

RFLRes01.arc (for every Wii Game who uses Mii)

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