Texture Hack Tutorial
Made by Yosh
In order to make a texture hack, you need :
-BrawlCrate (optional)
-Python 3.9 (at least python 3) and for sure :
-Wiimms SZS Tools
run lh (or "MSM files extract and compress") first to decompress any MSM file, so they will be compatible with the other apps of my tools :)
Run "Dump Textures" or "dump" from explorer bar in MSM tools
All the apps work like that : every button shown is a compatible file, click on it and it does what the app says
You can still check the Help App for further informations on each of them :)
Once you've dumped a brres, arc, or a tpl file, you get a folder like this
Feel free to edit any png you want (but don't resize them and don't touch zzzdump.txt, else the pack texture won't work)
once you're done editing textures, launch "Pack Textures" (or "pack" from the explorer bar)
the file button will show only if the file, and his dumped folder (with zzzdump.txt inside it) are in the current directory
Once you've clicked, use lh to compress back again the file, and you're done!!
this is truly the easiest Texture Hack Tutorial (the harderest part is to install my tools lol)
if you plan to make a character
be sure to do it 5 times by dumping every file of the character ( C, H, and B mdl, Menu.mdl, and Tour.mdl)
Pro tips
On BrawlCrate, if you want to see where a texture is used, open Materials folder and click on a texture reference. (you can then click on the grey "MDL0" to see the model preview)
You can make a texture hack on EVERYTHING :
a character, a stage, a goal, a npc, or even a ball ! ( main menu background is a stage too ! )
the files strap and lyt folder are now supported :)