
170 files found

BA_harapeko.msbt - 4 strings saying "Bonus!"

BA_pose.msbt - Some control-related strings for basketball

BA_pose_scoreboard.msbt - Some score-related strings for basketball

BA_ptg_pose.bst - Feed petey version of BA_pose.msbt

BOSS_cockpit.msbt - Contains the names "Behemoth" and "Behemoth King" 

Button_Icon.msbt (empty)

CharaEntryMessage.msbt - Contains strings about saving, miis and friends 

CockpitGameEnd.msbt - Messages used at the end of a match

CokpitResult.msbt - "High score" and player counts

CockpitTelop.msbt - "Next", "Skip" and "Nintendo WFC Rank"

ControllerErrorMessage.msbt - What the name says it is

DO_cockpit.msbt (empty)

DO_dod_spin.msbt (empty)

DO_pose.msbt - Dodgeball equivalent of BA_pose

DO_pose_scoreboad.msbt - Dodgeball equivalent of BA_pose_scoreboard

DO_ptg_pose.msbt - Dodgeball equivalent of BA_ptg_pose

ExhibitionMenuMessage.msbt - Messages for the menu when starting a game

FilterFont.msbt (empty)

GameMenuMessage.msbt - Messages used in many places' menus, including online, tournaments, party mode descriptions and the end of matches

HO_pose.msbt - Hockey equivalent of BA_pose

HO_pose_scoreboad.msbt - Hockey equivalent of BA_pose_scoreboard

HO_ptg_pose.msbt - Hockey equivalent of BA_ptg_pose

lcl_2Dpic_telop.msbt (empty)

lcl_3Dtelop.msbt (empty)

List_Character.msbt - Character Names

List_Controll.msbt - Button Names

List_Cup.msbt - Stage cup names

List_Intro_Text.msbt - Stage descriptions

List_Mii_Name.msbt - Guest Mii Names

List_Mission_Rule.msbt (empty)

List_Plus_Minus_Button.msbt - list of all the option available when you press - or + in the entiere game

List_Stage.msbt - Stage names

me_back_ico.msbt - The work "Back"

me_bg_mov.msbt (empty)

me_bg_select.msbt (empty)

me_bg_select_T1.msbt (empty)

me_bg_select_T2.msbt (empty)

me_bg_select_T3.msbt (empty)

me_bg_select_T4.msbt (empty)

me_cha_OK.msbt (empty)

me_cha_star.msbt (empty)

me_cha_status.msbt (empty)

me_cup_select.msbt - Stage cup names

me_entry.msbt - "Add Players"

me_ent_a.msbt (empty)

me_fvs_ent.msbt - Invites to someone's game

me_f_cord.msbt - "OK"

me_f_list.msbt - "Not yet your friend"

me_Mii.msbt - "Wii System", "Guest", "%d"

me_minus_plus.msbt (empty)

me_multiplay_00.msbt - "Coop mode", "Vs mode"

me_opt.msbt - "OK", "Restore defaults", "Brutal"

me_op_movie.msbt (empty)

me_ptg_operation_1P.msbt - "Game overview"

me_ptg_operation_BA.msbt - Controls for basketball & feed petey

me_ptg_operation_DO.msbt - Dodgeball equivalent

me_ptg_operation_HO.msbt - Hockey equivalent

me_ptg_operation_VO.msbt - Volleyball equivalent

me_ptg_operation_w.msbt - "Start"

me_ptg_sel.msbt (empty)

me_p_inf_a.msbt - "WFC Rank", "WFC Record", "Friend Code"

me_p_inf_b.msbt - Friend management stuff

me_save.msbt - "Friend Code"

me_scorebook_B.msbt (empty)

me_title.msbt (empty)

me_to_load.msbt - Tournament save options

me_Wi-Fi_top_A.msbt (empty)

me_Wi-Fi_top_B.msbt - "Random"

mission.msbt - "Secret final"

OptionRuleList.msbt - Options when setting up a game

PartyMenuMessage.msbt - Party menu messages

pose_Boss.msbt - Controls for Behemoth fight

pose_camera.msbt - Camera switching text

pose_end.msbt - Options at the end of a game

pose_ptg_end.msbt - Options at the end of a party game

pose_rule.msbt (empty)

pose_scoreboad_a_BA_HO.msbt - "1st" to "5th"

pose_scoreboad_a_VO_DO.msbt - The same

pose_scoreboad_b.msbt - "P1" to "P4", "CPU"

prty_result_coop.msbt - Party result screen text coop

prty_result_vs.msbt - Party result screen text vs

result_a_BA_HO.msbt - "1st" to "5th", "Scoreboard", "Results"

result_a_VO_DO.msbt - The same

result_b.msbt - "P1" to "P4", "CPU"

result_BA.msbt - Basketball results screen text

result_DO.msbt - Dodgeball equivalent

result_HO.msbt - Hockey equivalent

result_VO.msbt - Volleyball equivalent

Round.msbt - "Sports mix"

rslt_act_guide.msbt (empty)

SaveMessage.msbt - Save file related messaegs

ScoreBookList.msbt - Scorebook messages

Staffroll.msbt - Credits

Staffroll_EU.msbt - Credits

Staffroll_US.msbt - Credits

SystemMessage.msbt - Messages used on the wii menu

TemporaryMessage.msbt (empty) 

Text_Demonstration.msbt - Text for cutscenes

Text_Game_BasketBall.msbt (empty)

Text_Game_Common.msbt - "Coin", "Coins", "Retry", "Remaining time"

Text_Game_DodgeBall.msbt - Text used in game for dodgeball

Text_Game_Hockey.msbt - Text used in game for hockey

Text_Game_VolleyBall.msbt - Text used in game for volley ball

Text_Line_Message.msbt - "Change characters" and some instructions

Text_Map_Viewer.msbt - "Wide", "Back"

Text_Mission_BasketBall.msbt - Text used in basketball missions

Text_Mission_Common.msbt - Unlock messages

Text_Mission_DodgeBall.msbt - Text used in dodgeball missions

Text_Mission_Hockey.msbt - Text used in hockey missions

Text_Mission_Party.msbt - Text used in party missions

Text_Mission_VolleyBall.msbt - Text used in volleyball missions

Text_Operation_Guide.msbt - Control names

Text_Party_Cockpit.msbt - Text used in party games

Text_Rule_BasketBall.msbt - How to play basketball

Text_Rule_Common.msbt - Menu text before rules

Text_Rule_DodgeBall.msbt - How to play dodgeball

Text_Rule_Hockey.msbt - How to play hockey

Text_Rule_VolleyBall.msbt - How to play volleyball

Text_TIPS_BasketBall.msbt - Loading screen tips

Text_TIPS_DodgeBall.msbt - The same

Text_TIPS_Hockey.msbt - The same

Text_TIPS_Item.msbt - The same

Text_TIPS_VolleyBall.msbt - The same

Text_Tournament_Menu.msbt (empty)

Text_Tutorial_BasketBall.msbt - Tutorial text

Text_Tutorial_Common.msbt - Menu options for the tutorial

Text_Tutorial_DodgeBall.msbt - Tutorial text

Text_Tutorial_Hockey.msbt - Tutorial text

Text_Tutorial_VolleyBall.msbt - Tutorial text

Text_Unlock.msbt - Unlock messages

TE_championship_point.msbt  - contain two texts saying "Point", and "Championship"

TE_change_court.msbt - contain one text saying "Change Sides" 

TE_cha_in.msbt - contain one text saying "Revive from Box" and two empty strings

TE_deuce.msbt - contain one text saying "Deuce"

TE_geme_set.msbt - result screen that says "Good Game"

te_inout_change.msbt - some empty strings, "In" and "Out"

TE_match_point.msbt - contain one text saying "Match Point" 

TE_ready_ba.msbt - used in Basketball, contain "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "period", and "Ready ?" 

TE_ready_do.msbt - contain "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "Set", and "Ready ?" 

TE_ready_do_vo.msbt - contain "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "Set", and "Ready ?" 

TE_ready_ho.msbt - used in hockey, contain "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "period", and "Ready ?"

TE_ready_ho_mini.msbt - contain one text saying "Ready ?"

TE_ready_ho_mini_to_vs.msbt - contain two texts saying "Ready ?" and "VS"

TE_ready_vo.msbt - volleyball in game text that contain "Ready ?", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "Server :", "Set Point", and "Set"

TE_ready_vo_te.msbt - contain one text saying "Ready ?" 

TE_set_point.msbt - contain one text saying "set point" 

TE_shot_time_over.msbt - contain two texts saying "Shot Clock Violation", and "Time up"

TE_start.msbt - contain one text saying "GO !" 

TE_start_vo.msbt - contain one text saying "GO !"

TE_sudden_death.msbt - contain one text saying "sudden death" 

TE_text_boss.msbt - contain "Behemoth", "Behemoth King", and "Crystal Guardian"

TE_time_up.msbt - contain one text saying "Time Up !"

TopMenuMessage.msbt - all menu text such as "press A", "Record Book", "remove save data", "load save data", "Sports Mix", "Party", "Nintendo WFC", "dodgeball", "hockey", etc until you launch an activity from the main menu

TournamentMenuMessage.msbt - contain some empty strings for removed cups, and also "tourney choice", mushroom / flower / star cup, "choose a difficulty level and a cup", "Previous data already exists. Overwrite data?", "yes", "no", and "The Mii for this file has been removed from the Mii Channel. The data cannot be used. Starting tournament from the beginning."

TO_text_boss.msbt - intro with toad (when you start a tourney for the first time) that only says "One day in the Mushroom Kingdom..."

Tutorial.msbt (empty)

tut_button_in_window_BA.msbt - pause menu in game that says all the commands for Basketball

tut_button_in_window_DO.msbt - pause menu in game that says all the commands for Dodgeball

tut_button_in_window_HO.msbt - pause menu in game that says all the commands for Hockey

tut_button_in_window_VO.msbt - pause menu in game that says all the commands for Volleyball

VO_pose.msbt - volleyball tutorial

VO_pose_scoreboad.msbt - contain several text saying "set", "Set", "sets"..... and some empty

VO_ptg_pose.msbt  contain "run", "recieve", and "Base rule"

VO_rhythm_A.msbt - contain "+ bonus!"

VsTemPlayerAssign.msbt - contain 5 strings : "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", and "CPU"

WifiConnectMessage.msbt - all text online (except in menu) and also text for "a friend sent you an invite", "accept", and "decline"

WiFiErrorMessage.msbt - all possible errors online

WifiMenuMessage.msbt - text when connected in online menu such as "add friend", "online status", "offline", "online", add / remove friend, "select your sport", "random", "dodgeball"... etc

wvs.msbt (empty)

wvs_record.msbt (empty)

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